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How to find Engine Build and Serial Number

We need "Engine Build Number" and serial number to identify your engine model in order to search for the correct part numbers in our database system. The same engine series can have many different build numbers depending on applications. The same 1100 series engines for marine, generator drive, pump drive, forklift can have some different parts inside although the majority of parts can be the same. For instance, electrical system can be 12 volt or 24 volts. Major components such as turbocharger, piston, liner, ring may be differnt on applications. Oil pan may have different maximum tilting angle, etc.

If your engine brand is Rolls Royce or Dorman diesel, please take note of the name plate information and call our company for the genuine parts.

ESN Guide

If your engine brand is Rolls Royce or Dorman diesel, please take note of the name plate information and call our company for the genuine parts.

Please use the picture guide below to find the engine name plate and engine build and serial number.

Download >> Perkins engine Build number and location guide [PDF 82 KB]

Peterborough engine name plate location

Engine Name Plate - Peterborough range

Sample of Peterborough engine name plate: 1000 series
Peterborought engine name plate


Stafford engine name plate location
Engine name plate - Stafford range

Sample of Stafford engine: 2000 series
Name Plate of 2806 series engine

For updated information on Perkins Engine ranges and more details on models,
Click Link to www.Perkins.com or Contact our company.


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